Welcome to Best Chicago Neighborhoods!

Welcome to Best Chicago Neighborhoods!

Best Chicago Neighborhoods presents you with comprehensive information on the Chicago local area. Chicago is without a doubt a melting pot of diverse, cultural, historically enriched communities. Buckingham Fountain, Lake Michigan, Grant Park, are among the few of Chicago’s most well known hot spots, but you’re not here for tourist locations (you can find that by click on Chicago Tours), you’re here for information on Chicago neighborhoods.

Neighborhoods in Chicago offer a vast selection of restaurants, museums, centers of art and more. Each neighborhood saturates Chicago with a climactic network of community service groups, a local park district, neighborhood watch, district police and so many faculties of education. Chicago is home to over 15 accredited colleges. The Art Institute as well as Colombia College (Downtown Chicago) are renowned for there graduates high level of expertise in the arts. The Chicago Public Schools assist in educating over 35% of Chicagoans. That’s over 980,000 people a year.

The South side of Chicago explores the history of the Irish and is the home of the South Side Irish Parade. Set deep in the South West interim is Beverly with historical houses and structures that date back as far as the 1800’s. The Beverly area is reputed for being the primary locale of Chicago’s most revered catholic communities.

Enriched with culture and activities each neighborhood of Chicago brings something flavorful and unique. Festivals, eateries, art, luxurious living and security: you will find this and much more deep within the heart of Chicago.

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