West Englewood

West Englewood

In the area of West Englewood, Gresham, Washington Park and Back of the Yards, Englewood in its hay-day was a center of rail and commerce activity. Lately, it is experiencing renewed interest in real estate development. Mayor Richard Daley spearheaded a program in 1999 to reconstruct the area’s infrastructure, create new parks, and relocate the Kennedy-King College. The average price for a home in Englewood was $26,000 in 2001, but today they go more commonly for between $180,000 and $250,000.

Englewood has many buildings and real estate land ready to be bought and improved upon. After years of little development, the area is primed for reconstruction. Housing is still affordable, with many homes selling for under $100,000. Most of the best bargains will require some repairs. One can even find loan incentives to move into the area offered by lenders. Englewood has a number of schools, including the Lindblom College Preparatory High School, which is adding more classes and updating existing equipment and facilities.

Englewood is delineated by 55th Street and 76th Street, and Halstead and Wentworth.

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